Thursday 24 November 2011

Don't birthdays come around quickly, but then that day too has gone and so for the next year.  I had a good day at computers and then Pat came over with cake.  It was a nice surprise.  I have spent some time in the garden and the raspberries are just ripening, the tomatoes growing tall but the lettuce has bolted.  Spring onions and garlic need to be picked soon and now waiting for the potato plants to die off so can harvest the veggie.  There is lots of spinach (mainly for the chooks) growing with the serpent cucumber climbing up the lattice, the flowers just coming out. 
Problem with the chooks is that one is laying eggs with only membrane and so all are eating this egg.  I have given lots of grit and even put a caltrate tablet in the water but still it happens.  They have to this weekend to stop or they go. 

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