Sunday 3 October 2010


For all walks there is a pre-walk to find the bus times, toilets and average time to complete the walk with morning tea break and lunch. I went with two other ladies on a pre-walk in Carlingford. I was wary as I was told to catch a yellow bus on the corner of Market and George and just ask for Oaks Road on the M2. It was a good 7k walk and the most scary thing was a red bellied black snake crossed in front of me.

John has been off and so decided to build a gazebo as each year, the material one disintergrates due to the winter conditions. Its almost complete.

Friday John came on the walk from Point Clare to East Gosford, approx. 14 k. It was a lovely walk through bush tracks road and beach, ending up in Japanese Gardens.
John's vest is compete so now have to find a new project.

St. George has just won the grand final.

1 comment:

dianethoms said...

The vest looks great, Teresa.