Sunday 25 July 2010

lots and lots

Tuesday saw Margaret and I at Sydney Mechanics' School of Arts in Pitt Street to hear four authors talk about their books. The main attraction for us was Gabrielle Lord who is mystery and crime author but who has been commissioned by Scholastic Books, to write, aiming at the 11 -13 yold boys. It was very interesting and group of about 60 enjoyed hearing her and the other 3. We joined the SMSA for the year and now will have another venue to enjoy.
Friday was a 12 km walk starting at Kurnell, along the paths through Botany Bay Nat. Park to Cape Bally lighthouse. We were lucky to see a humpback whale (far off) spout and a flick of its tail. My new walking boots were broken in as it had rained the night before and the tracks, in places, were very bloggy.

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