Sunday 14 September 2008

Afternoon Tea

We got together for afternoon tea as Louise had a surprise - she is getting engaged and will marry in a couple of years. All the ladies were surprised but had suspected something like that. Everyone is well and a couple of the ladies are travelling in the next week, Joan to west coast of USA with all her family, and Margaret and Bill are off to Melbourne for a few days. Its work
for the rest of us. During the week I had a rostered day off and spent it at the Dendy in Newtown with Margaret. We saw - In Bruge, The Visitors and The Savages. All good movies and was able to fit in lunch between the first two.

1 comment:

Katrinajulie said...

Love the orange jumper, you look beautiful!! Give my congratulations to Louise that is wonderful news. I saw In Bruges on the plane, unexpected ending but funny. I know karate!!