Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Last week Darren, Lisa and her friend came to visit for a few hours and we caught up on their news of what
is happening in their lives.
As John is off work we went into the SMSA lecture and that day, Ann Howard who is a 30 year resident of Dangar Island, gave a bit of the island's history.  Its in the Hawkesbury  just off Brooklyn.  In November she is giving day tours and we think we might go.  After the talk we went to see the Irish movie 'The Guard' and it was good but every second word was swearing which, I think. wasn't necessary.
Computers as usual on Wednesday but went to the library afterwards and was the first to borrow an iPod for audio books.  The library have an array of audio books which can be downloaded on your own computer, iPad or iPod but the one I have borrowed, cannot have extra books or music added as its already got a dozen books on it.  I'm practicing with this iPod before I buy my own.  Next I will borrow the Kindle just to have a go but I think a book in my hands is still better.
Friday I led 8 'mad' walkers from Woolwich to Huntleys Point in the rain/drizzle.  No camera as the weather was not kind and I already took shots the previous prewalk.   

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