This photo of John is Friday a week ago but the game with Collingwood did not go well this week. 3 points down and a very sad John. Oh well, now its next year.
In actual fact, all the week did not go well. The laundry flooded and then the hot tap would not turn off and its plugged until a plumber can get here.
Our plan on Tuesday was a movie at the Dendy and then the talk at SMSA but some how the times did not work, so we missed both a went for a ferry ride to Manly for a short walk with coffee and cake just before returning.
My walk from Dundas to Carlingford along the creeks beds was monotonous and it was hot - 30. I was so glad to catch the trains (3) home. Then I did not have the energy to go to the reunion at Rockdale RSL for Regina.
At shopping I bought gluten free - breakfast cereals and nutty peanut butter.

Sunday, 25 September 2011
Sunday, 18 September 2011
The last photo of John tells the story of how we felt about this walk from Maroubra to La Perouse. It began well and the walk over the sands at Maroubra was lovely as the day was perfect for walking. We did not read all the sign at the end of the path and continued walking. The track was not well defined but we plodded on. The views from cliffs were great and then we saw a horse riding school go past on a higher path. We travelled about 3/4 of the way and then there was a high metal fence which at first glance we could not get across. We tried other ways but back to the fence. After edging till the end of the cliff, got around and saw another sign. Walk 33/34 is no longer available as its Commonweath land and its a firing range.
We walked around two golf courses, having to stop when players were about to play, but it was a nice day so we continued but only for a short while as our bodies were tired and found a bus to take us home. John said he's not being leader any more.
We decided to travel by train to Newcastle, spend the day then return by train. John read that there were some antique shops south of Newcastle so we hopped off at Hamilton. The shops were small and only two had furniture but no lecturn. We walked 4 ks into town and found another very large warehouse filled with many antique dealers, but again ,no lecturn. After lunch, we walked a bit more and then it was time to return. Three hours each way seems long but I had the iPod from the library and was happy listening to a book. The search for the lecturn continues. I think we will end up with a good solid music stand for our dictionary.
Tuesday, 13 September 2011
Last week Darren, Lisa and her friend came to visit for a few hours and we caught up on their news of what
is happening in their lives.
As John is off work we went into the SMSA lecture and that day, Ann Howard who is a 30 year resident of Dangar Island, gave a bit of the island's history. Its in the Hawkesbury just off Brooklyn. In November she is giving day tours and we think we might go. After the talk we went to see the Irish movie 'The Guard' and it was good but every second word was swearing which, I think. wasn't necessary.
Computers as usual on Wednesday but went to the library afterwards and was the first to borrow an iPod for audio books. The library have an array of audio books which can be downloaded on your own computer, iPad or iPod but the one I have borrowed, cannot have extra books or music added as its already got a dozen books on it. I'm practicing with this iPod before I buy my own. Next I will borrow the Kindle just to have a go but I think a book in my hands is still better.
Friday I led 8 'mad' walkers from Woolwich to Huntleys Point in the rain/drizzle. No camera as the weather was not kind and I already took shots the previous prewalk.
is happening in their lives.
As John is off work we went into the SMSA lecture and that day, Ann Howard who is a 30 year resident of Dangar Island, gave a bit of the island's history. Its in the Hawkesbury just off Brooklyn. In November she is giving day tours and we think we might go. After the talk we went to see the Irish movie 'The Guard' and it was good but every second word was swearing which, I think. wasn't necessary.
Computers as usual on Wednesday but went to the library afterwards and was the first to borrow an iPod for audio books. The library have an array of audio books which can be downloaded on your own computer, iPad or iPod but the one I have borrowed, cannot have extra books or music added as its already got a dozen books on it. I'm practicing with this iPod before I buy my own. Next I will borrow the Kindle just to have a go but I think a book in my hands is still better.
Friday I led 8 'mad' walkers from Woolwich to Huntleys Point in the rain/drizzle. No camera as the weather was not kind and I already took shots the previous prewalk.
Sunday, 4 September 2011
You can see John wearing his new Stetson and cowboy shirt plus boots. He really likes the roses embroidered on the back. Hawthorn won and here John is, off to the wine shop in his jumper to see Rodney who is a Swans supporter.
Being Father's Day, John loved getting two Skype calls from his daughters and also seeing the grandchildren. Thanks for making is day.
Had a very hard time at scrabble last week as I only won one game out of six. The head librarian came over to the computer club meeting with ipods and kindles. The library is now lending these items plus the music, books etc which go on them. If you have your own ipods and kindle, you can download items from the library and after a certain time they disappear. I'm going next week to week if I can borrow an ipod before I purchase one.
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