Sunday, 19 April 2009

Jury Duty

On Tuesday I had to go to Downing Street Court where after 4 hours of eliminating various peoples there were 40 of us left for selection. 20 went to one court and when your number was called you had to go into the jury box. Again when your number is called you had to stand and the prosecuter or crown could ask for you to stand down. Twelve were called and two were stood down and my number came up last. I was supposed to be on a five week trial but this one was to be 4/5 days - thank goodness. All the others went to another court and there were quite a few panels to select. After lunch the trial started. Because the judge had a civil case the next day, we were told to go to work if we were required. It was so cold in court and am now still nursing a cold. Thursday and Friday in court and the final addresses were made just on 2pm. After lunch (sandwiches and apple) we had to make a decision and after asking a few questions (which meant a trip into court each time) no decision still at 4.45. The judge addressed us again and a little more info, which swayed us all to one decision. Thank goodness its all over.

At work the back office was flooded and a lot of stock was destroyed. I could do only a bit at it was up to Christian and Cecilia. Hope its all sorted for tomorrow.

This weekend did nothing as most of the past nights have coughed like a walrus so have felt very weary. Energy level is low. I have the wonderful thought of root canal work on a back molar on Wednesday!!!!

John goes back to work tomorrow after a week off doing lots of things about the house and garden. We had a lovely Australania bush blocking off the hen house but that died with the tremendous heat the other month. So he pulled it out and has put up a lattice fence on which sweet peas will grow this year and may put a passionfruit plant at one end later on.

1 comment:

Katrinajulie said...

Glad the court case went ok and you weren't stuck there for ages.

Hope your cold goes, it's awful coughing, I know.

WOuld love to see some pics of the garden now! Also thinking of buying a hanging box to put on the veranda rail to grow tomatoes!