Sunday, 22 March 2009

7th week

The week began with having lunch with Diane at Gardens R Us in Moorefields Road and what a delightful couple of hours. I didn't buy anything as it is a bit on the pricey side. Wednesday went to the movies at the Dendy at the Quay and saw Easy Virtue and Dean Spanley which was excellent. I might go and see it again with John.
Friday went into the Chinese Gardens at Darling Harbour, plus went for the first time to IMAX which was really, really good. The feature was on Under the Sea and it felt that the animals were coming straight for me. It was scary when the sea snakes shot out and felt they came directly at us; I think I even put out my hand to stop them
John worked on the shed again and put in vents; here he is at the back of the shed standing on the neighbour's 6ft brick fence. I worked in the strawberry and raspberry bed and scored 12 raspberries. The bait has to go down for the snails and slugs as they are having a feast of the strawberries

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