Monday, 26 March 2012

We celebrated our 40th wedding anniversary on Sunday by going to dinner (Thai) in Lime Street, Darling
Harbour.  We finished a nice meal just as it was getting dark and caught the last ferry back to Circular Quay.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

17 of us walked from Milsons Point to Woolstonecraft station.  We stopped at Wendy Whitley's gardens for morning tea and then continued walking on a really great day. 

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Update on the chooks.  Its taken over a week but they are now roosting over night.  One was clever and did the right thing but the other two need coaxing with a milk crate at the base of the roost as a stepping off point.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Of all the chooks we have kept, these three are the youngest and have alot to learn.  Usually as night falls chooks usually go to their pen and perch on the roost for the night.  No, not these.  They have gone to the nesting boxes to spend the night and this is not right.  So what we have had to do this past week, is armed with a torch, we physically pick them up one at a time and place on the perch.  Its so funny.  Last night one chook took the initative and jumped up but the other two settled underneath her as I had covered the nesting boxes.  So now these two need extra lessons.  Tonight we'll be down there again teaching chooks how to roost. 

Monday, 5 March 2012

After so much rain, Sunday was excellent weather so we went on the prewalk with Ann.  Train to Cronulla, tiny ferry to Bundeena where we did the Loop walk.  I was glad it was only half hour to get across as the waves were rough and my stomach did not like it.  The walking group are doing this walk on Friday.