Sunday, 17 October 2010

Busy Wednesday and Prince Henry Walk

Wednesday was such a long and enjoyable day. Its started off with buying Milo and then going to my old workplace to post. After a chat, it was off to computer class and a dash home after. John and I caught the train into town and walked in Hyde Park to see the photography exhibition for art and about. We timed it well, as then the Night Noodle Markets started and so we were not pushed and bustled like last time, but were able to choose food with no queues and even had a choice of tables. A walk to the cinema in George Street to see the preview of Made in Pakenham. A good movie coming out in a month or so. As it was such a long day, slept in the next day.


Friday was the walk from Echo Point in Katoomba along the Prince Henry Walk to Leura. It was a great walk even though it tried to rain, and then the wind was very strong, especially when we looked at the Bridal Veil waterfall. The next day it snowed so really we were lucky.
Tomorrow we are driving slowly to Coffs Harbour where we will stay 10 days, then overnight in Armidale and then onward to Tamworth for Louise's wedding on the 30th.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Daylight saving

Daylight saving started last Sunday and the first couple of days felt odd eating while still light but now we find it great and days feel longer.
The lorikeets have been visiting the bottlebrush and having a feed from the flowers; the tree is just out the back door down the ramp.
I though Lucy might like to see a photo of our three chooks who have been laying an egg a day.
The passonfruit vine spread from one fence to the other and its the second year there has been no fruit. So the action is, that half of it is to be cut away and will leave the other half to see if I can train a new set of branches along the new fence.
Over the past week John has built the pergola as were were tired of the material gazebo flying off or by the end of winter it being ripped and I think he has done an excellent job. Now the table and chairs look very tired and might need an update.
Today we had 15 mins of skype to see Fiona, Andrew, Lucy and Henry. Seeing them dance, roll on the floor and even crying when the phone was taken away was wonderful.

Sunday, 3 October 2010


For all walks there is a pre-walk to find the bus times, toilets and average time to complete the walk with morning tea break and lunch. I went with two other ladies on a pre-walk in Carlingford. I was wary as I was told to catch a yellow bus on the corner of Market and George and just ask for Oaks Road on the M2. It was a good 7k walk and the most scary thing was a red bellied black snake crossed in front of me.

John has been off and so decided to build a gazebo as each year, the material one disintergrates due to the winter conditions. Its almost complete.

Friday John came on the walk from Point Clare to East Gosford, approx. 14 k. It was a lovely walk through bush tracks road and beach, ending up in Japanese Gardens.
John's vest is compete so now have to find a new project.

St. George has just won the grand final.