Thursday, 30 December 2010
Mosman to Balmoral
There were a lot of the Eastern Water Dragons sun baking on the paths and they would run as were got closer. John had a fall about half way but carried on only to find when he got home he needed to put ice on the foot to help with the pain. Today the bruise had appeared but he is walking OK.
We stopped at Bradley Head reserve to have our picnic lunch. We were interupted by a family of kookaburras who perched in the tree nearby. As I was holding the last bit of ham and tomato roll, one of the babies swooped down and whipped the food, which was near my mouth, and off it flew. An older French couple came over to take a photo of the birds (they had seen what had happened). Unfortunately their English was very limitied and after a couple of words we headed onwards.
It was a great day and our next walk is Circular Quay, across the bridge, Lavender Bay, McMahons Point to Waverton. All these years and I haven't walked across The Bridge.
Tuesday Margaret and I went and had our movie fix and saw The King's Speech and Somewhere. Well I wouldn't recomend Somewhere as I walked out the cinema wondering what it was all about. Whereas the King's Speech was excellent as I really like both the main actors - Geoffrey Rush and Colin Firth.
A strange visitor
Sunday, 26 December 2010
First crop
Friday, 24 December 2010
Sunday, 19 December 2010
Saturday, 18 December 2010
This past week
We had yum cha in Chinatown with the walking group and got to try quite a few items we've never had before. A good couple of hours of chat and laughs.
Met some of the ladies up at the Catholic Club at Hurstville and thats the last time I'm going to the shopping centre before Christmas. BUSY is not the word but chaotic for parking.
I've seen two movies at the Dendy - Fair Game with Naomi Watts and Love and Other Drugs with Anne Hathaway. Both were entertaining and enjoyable. It was unusual to see lots of children at the Dendy - it was to see one of the Narnia movies.
Google seems to have the answer to every question and am now going to find how to put together my puzzle ring.
There was a lot to do at the house but as it was overcast all but one day, the jobs got done. The one good afternoon we enjoyed walking on the beach and feeling the sun's warmth. There has been a great job done by council to regenerate the grassy area at the beach in preparation of conserving the sand (you can see it behind me). There were only a couple of other people to share lovely the beach.
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Cockatiel's nesting box
John worked three days, so it was pleasant to potter about, mainly in the garden. But mid week I took out the cockatiel's nesting box and pulled something in my back. Since then I have not done anything, I even had to cancel my Friday walk about the harbour. It was one I had been looking forward to. John and I will do the walk ourselves by catching the ferry to Mosman and walking on to Chowder Bay in a few weeks. There were 10 eggs and two dead babies, so I think its rest time for the birds and they can try again next year.
I walked for half an hour this morning but that was too long and so am back to square one.
On Thursday we are going to Culburra for 6 days, then back for the walker's Christmas party and then off to Port Macquarrie for 3 days. Consequently there will be no blog for over two weeks. I wish I had a laptop.
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
I had a lovely birthday by going to the movies - Red with Bruce Willis and it was the usual shoot-them-up theme. We had a good laugh. The celebration continued the next day with the ladies at Miranda for lunch. Lovely. The Skype connection was excellent and we had time talking and watching Henry and Lucy.
Sunday, 14 November 2010
Spraying the pigeons
Here is John hosing the pigeons that come to visit the hens when bread scraps are thrown on the lawn. They are a menace and carry lice.
One morning this past week I met up with Diane for coffee at Gardens R Us in Moorefields Road and caught up with news.
We were not impressed on Tuesday when John and I went to see the movie - Eat Pray Love, the scenery was great but not the story.
Instead of our normal shopping on Saturday morning, we drove down to Kangaroo Valley markets. It was a lovely drive down to Bowral then inland, about half way to Moss Vale. Again another disappointment, as there were only about 10 stalls, with no fresh fruit. So off we drove to Berry for lunch and home.
The walking group met at Bondi Junction and caught a bus to Codgee Beach where we started the walk to Tamarrama; after lunch walked the trail of Sculptures by the Sea and we were lucky as the exhibition finished today. John did not come as he went to Rodney and Jo's new house but the bbq had not arrived so will go again next week and help out but he did get a nice lunch.