Just before we left for home on Sunday, we went down to the beach and the view was as beautiful as ever. A few surfers were catching the waves but no one else, as the wind had come up and it was cold.
The gardening was non stop Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning, amassing a mountain of rubbish which is hidden in the shed and along the back fence. The areas that were done looked good but there are a few spaces where plants had grown for a while which could be replaced some time. The whole back fence area has to be done next time plus the guttering at the back must be cleaned of the grass growing in it. A large wasp nest was removed from the kids room window (outside of course). Put down poison on the vines that grow up the trees and strangle them and hope by the time we go down again, it has done the job and made it easier to remove.
During the week I had a dental appointment for root canal work which went well and so another couple of visits to go. As a reward, I took myself to the movies and saw a French movie - Summer Hours.