Friday, 29 February 2008

WA cont.

Cottesloe beach, Lost Lake, sweets at Voyager, Swan River from Kings Park, Entrance to Freemantle Prison

WA 14th to 23rd February

After flying to WA and spending 3 days in Perth (used the free bus system to get around), we hired a car and drove south. Through Freemantle, Bussleton and along the coast to Cape Naturaliste and on to Augusta (furtherst south) and up to Margaret River. Albany next and then back via Margaret River to Perth. We travelled almost 1800 kms and lived out of a suitcase for 10 days.
Wineries - Lost Lake, Voyager, Leeuin, Hamelin Bay.
Highlights - Rottnest Island, Freemantle Prison, Whale World in Albany, Tingle Tree walk, Wind farm, Botanic gardens and Kings Park, lots of beaches.

Thursday, 28 February 2008

Happy Birthday

Fiona, Happy 33rd birthay, love mum and dad

Tuesday, 12 February 2008


Here we are relaxing on the back verandah and thats how holidays should be spent, no rushing and having to be somewhere at a particular time. My first week of leave was spent with the usual doc and dentist appointments. I went to the Holistic center at Calvary hospital for a remedial massage and was it wonderful, so much so, that am going again in a
month. We have spent quite a bit of time in the garden getting it in order after all the rains. The weeds alway thrive the best. Also the council clean up is due when we return so were able to do that too. On Saturday we booked to fly to Perth WA on the 14th at 7.45 am, three days in the city, hire of a car and amble down to Margaret River, then to Albany and back to Perth on Sat 23rd and fly back to Sydney at 10pm. It will be 10 days of roaming in a new area with lots to see and do. John is looking forward to a few wine tastings in the smaller vineyards.

Garden variety

These are one of each type of tomato I grew this season. Yellow, black and four varieties of red but again I battled with the fly and so there would be one in three tomato that would be OK. Next year I am going to cover all the plants with a fine net and this should stop the fly, birds, rats and mice.

Tuesday, 5 February 2008


We went to the Opera House on Saturday night - Drama Theatre - to see Anh Do live. He was excellent and had us all laughing the whole time. He was in the show Thank God You're Here. Yesterday as it was still raining, we saw the movie American Gangster which John really enjoyed. It was the 4pm session on a Monday, there were very few people but you wouldn't believe it, an older couple sat in the seats right behind us and at times repeated what was said in the movie.


John having his favourite brekkie of baked beans and toast plus reading the paper.


This is the before and after shot of one of my sunflowers. The cockatoos have been very destructive of late, not only the sunflowers but the fir tree down the side of the house plus the passion- fruit. I saw a couple of them sitting on the fence with a passionfruit
in one claw, balancing on the wire fence and ripping open the fruit and eating it. I chased them away and they flew to the nearby tv aerial and continued to eat. I thought it might have been rats from the canal when I saw the empty cases, but now I know. The fir tree has nuts and thats what the birds are after. I have seen about 10 of them in that small tree all making alot of noise and eating.