Christmas is over for another year. This year is the first time we have been on our own for many many years. The weather was cold, so all those people having a hot dinner were luckly but we had a lovely seafood lunch with a very nice bottle of champagne at home. Today we drove to Cronulla and walked along the walkway until the wind sent us home.

Wednesday, 26 December 2007
Boxing Day
Christmas is over for another year. This year is the first time we have been on our own for many many years. The weather was cold, so all those people having a hot dinner were luckly but we had a lovely seafood lunch with a very nice bottle of champagne at home. Today we drove to Cronulla and walked along the walkway until the wind sent us home.
Sunday, 16 December 2007
Xmas lunch at Louise's
Sunday, 9 December 2007
Christmas outings w/e 9th Dec
Eating out twice this weekend. Went to Star City casino for work's Christmas party and the food was ok - typical smorgshboard
Everyone came and after the meal, some had a flutter on roulette. Marlene lost her $20 but Christian won $80. Today, we drove to Bulli Tops - Panorama House for the manager's Christmas outing. Nice meal, but wine was not good, in fact John drank squash - he, luckily, was the driver today. On the home front - we now have only one hen left as two died (old age). John said he would get more next weekend. The cockatiels have been sitting on dud eggs, so I took out the nesting box and will replace it in a couple of weeks after the birds put on weight again.
Sunday, 2 December 2007
This is me going to work last week. Christmas at the post shop is not much fun, in fact, it was a hectic week with people being grumpy and I felt the pressure after being there only an hour. I was practicing using the timer on the camera, that worked but not the flash. I must not have pressed the right button. On Saturday morning after speaking to Katrina on the webcam, I got another call, and who should I see but Fiona, Andrew and Lucy. It was lovely.
Friday, 23 November 2007
Two grandmas got together on Thursday to have lunch at Moorefield Road Garden centre. We discussed children but in particular, a grandchild, Lucy. A lovely afternoon, even though it did rain, (decided against Brighton.) I bought a plant which was in the rare section, commonly called a snake bush - Hemiandra Pungens - with nice purple flowers which the chooks found delicious, so now must find another spot, probably out the front.
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Talking Heads
On Saturday we celebrated both our birthdays by going to Theatre Royal to see Brenda Blethyn and Sigrid Thornton in Talking Heads. It was a great and funny play. Over the past two weeks of my leave I have seen 4 movies - Conversations with My Gardener, Michael Clayton, Waitress and A Mighty Heart and enjoyed all of them. Went on an Italian
walking tour (thru WEA) started from the GPO in Martin place up to the Mitchell Library stopping along the way viewing Italian influenced architecture. Spent a day with Joy and Pat learning bits and pieces of the computer . Each time I go to town I still marvel at the scene of the Opera House and bridge. Here are Helen, Margaret and I (photo taken by a kind passerby). On my birthday Pat and I had coffee at Blackamoor Confections which was lovely and then in the evening Andrew came for tea (lamb of course). The last couple of days have spent in the garden planting vegs plus a bit of reading when it got too hot.
Sunday, 4 November 2007
Sculpture by the Sea
We walked around Tamarama beach which had a few sculptures on the sand, to Marks Park where the majority were on display. Then following the path towards Bondi Icebergs club were a few more sculptures. Bought fish and chips and ate them on the grassy area overlooking the Bondi beach - lovely. We put our feet in the water and walked the beach and back home.
Monday, 29 October 2007
Monday 9th Oct 07
Monday, 22 October 2007
Monday 22nd Oct.07
The poor car was hit in the carpark last Thursday and, of course, no one saw anything. Going for repair this Thursday and it will probably over a week. Katrina said to embrace the process of taking a photo of us without double chins and it took a few shots. My month of holidays start next Monday and I cannot wait just not to have to work. As its getting warmer, will look forward to relaxing, reading and working in the garden.
Tuesday, 2 October 2007
October long weekend
There'll be no photos for a while as I cannot work out why both camera and the photo printer will not work. The normal printer, mouse and keyboard are ok but not the others. John and I worked around the house and got a few things done. The 5 wasps nests were destroyed and the bottlebrush tree which had grown above the laundry roof has been trimmed. In a couple of weeks the council clean up is on and want to get rid of all tree cuttings. The fruit trees were pruned a number of weeks ago and now they have all started to flower , so there will be lots of fruit. I spent a couple of afternoons reading down the back as the weather is wonderful and it was a shame to go back to work.
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
RDO 26th Sept.
Today I went to the movies at Broadway and saw No Reservations and December Boys. Did enjoy both, especially the second as it was made in South Australia. When I walked past UTS it brought back memories of a day many years ago, as there on the steps were many young people in their cap and gowns, sashes in light blue. I bought a keyboard as the other one died, also went to Spotlight with the kiddies knitting book and now have some lovely coloured wools to work with.
Monday, 17 September 2007
Weekend 15/16 Sept.
Saturday evening ended up very unhappily for John as Hawthorn lost and I mean lost badly. Now we look forward to next year. Sunday morning went to the movies at the Paris cinema
at Fox studios and saw La Vie en Rose Edith Piaf and we both enjoyed it. The market was on and bought a Turkish meal while strolling thru all the Mercedes cars that were on display. Dina rang in the afternoon and she caught the train to Hurstville. We had a nice BBQ dinner and chatted till 11. Wines were the main topic of conversation
plus travelling.
Monday, 10 September 2007
Culburra Beach from the dunes
The APEC long weekend gave us the opportunity to go down to Culburra to finish the final job in the kitchen and then be able to relax after a very busy week at work. The weather was kind so a drive around to Callala beach then into Nowra for a bit of shopping. A very tight finish in the Aussie rules game Saturday with the winner scraping through.
Monday, 27 August 2007
Gardening Australia
Monday, 13 August 2007
Week ending 12th Aug 07
It was my rostered day off on Tuesday so went up to Westfields and caught two really scary movie
s - Fracture with Anthony Hopkins and the other, Mr Brooks with Kevin Costner. I had a nice lunch with Diane on Thursday and while John went to watch Hawthorn play football on Saturday (Rodney has Foxtel), Michael, Belinda and Caitlin called in. Cannot believe Caitlin is 11 months old already and Belinda will soon go back to work job sharing. Pat came over Sunday and we had a glass of white as we caught up with the weeks news.
Sunday, 5 August 2007
weekend at home - 4/5 August 07
Sunday was a day to work in the garden and John is fixing up the new hose to water the garden. The last hose would shoot off the tap and waste alot of water. Saturday was clean-up and then sewing the bibs with other odds and end. The wrapped bibs are shown and Evan's has been delivered. Hawthorn won by 65 today and if its on tv this evening, a copy of the game will be sent to the supporter who lives in the states.
Monday, 30 July 2007
Margaret's 70th
Sunday, 22 July 2007
Culburra Weekend
After shopping and a hair cut in Nowra, we hit Culburra about lunchtime. Ron, the landscaper came over to see what we thought of the garden. Its lovely now but will grow into a great Australiana garden. We relaxed and read the papers, then went to the bowling club for dinner. Later played the 1c poker machine and reached $32.50. Today we did the odd jobs and off home stopping at Kiama Surf Beach.
Sunday, 15 July 2007
Christmas in July
Sunday, 8 July 2007
Greenacre ladies
Wednesday, 4 July 2007
Clean up lst July
Monday, 18 June 2007
Wet weekend
John and Rodney went to the Food and Wine show at Darling Harbour on Saturday and tasted quite a few nice drops. I think a few orders went in too and will be able to sample them myself. I spent the time doing odds and ends about the house, as again, the rain didnt let up for long.
This picture was taken late Sunday afternoon and shows Andrew's tree with new little shoots. Only two others survived and will picture them another time.
This picture was taken late Sunday afternoon and shows Andrew's tree with new little shoots. Only two others survived and will picture them another time.
Monday, 11 June 2007
Queens Birthday long weekend
Sunday, 27 May 2007
2 working bees at Culburra
Sunday, 20 May 2007
Weekend at home
Sunday, 13 May 2007
After lunch
Sunday, 29 April 2007
Sunday, 22 April 2007
Wednesday, 18 April 2007
Movies today
A rostered day off work gave me the opportunity to go to the movies - The Singer and The Namesake, both were different and enjoyed both.
This is my first blog entry. Hopefully there will be many more outlining our adventure to visit all Sydney beaches.
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